Home International Tests What is a GED TEST?

What is a GED TEST?

What is a GED TEST? This is a question that many people wonder and want an answer to. This is because studying is something that must be planned from an early stage for oneself to achieve the goals that are expected as best as possible. If we give a brief explanation, GED is a type of qualification examination. But for confidence and create correctness I would like to share the information about this exam with everyone to make the decision easier than before. In conclusion, should I take the exam or not? take more understanding about What is the GMAT test?

What is a GED Test?

The GED exam is an exam in the American non-formal education system that is used in many countries. That shows a standard that can be confirmed around the world. Those taking the test must be 16 years of age or older.

General Educational Development or the GED exam is divided into 4 subjects: GED RLA (Reasoning Through Language Arts), GED Science, GED Social Studies, and GED Math.

What is the GED RLA (Reasoning Through Language Arts) exam?

The GED Reasoning Through Language Arts test, or GED RLA as students often call it, has 3 parts. The test time is 2 hours and 30 minutes. The test has 3 parts: 1. Reading 2.Extended Response 3.Reading & Standard English Convention. The test format includes both Write an essay, multiple choice, drag answers

The GED Reasoning Through Language Arts or RLA test is developed to suit careers and educational institution standards. The GED RLA test focuses on measuring key skills as follows.

  • Ability to read with comprehension
  • Ability to write clearly
  • Ability to revise and understand the use of Standard English for writing in different contexts.

The exam consists of essays in both academic and work contexts. These articles reflect the level of complexity of the language in terms of structure and writing style.

In the writing questions (called Extended Response (ER) items), test takers are asked to write an analysis of a selected article and use evidence from the article to support their analysis. also go through the TOEFL Test?

What are the statistics of the GED RLA exam?

75 percent of the articles in the exam will be from international articles. (Including novels written on science and social topics Including articles related to various work contexts)

25 percent will be articles and various literature.

Topics of the GED RLA exam

Reading for Meaning – Reading to find meaning.

Identifying and Creating Arguments – Identifying and Creating Arguments

Grammar and Language – Grammar and Language

Exam time is 150 minutes, which includes 3 minutes for exam instructions and review. There is a total of 10 minutes of break time between taking the Part 2 and Part 3 exam, and a total of 45 minutes for writing all 3 parts of the article, including writing 1 article (also known as Extended Response, which is practice building on the information the questions provide).

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Multiple choice exams and other question types (drag and drop, text area selection, and drop-down list options)

What is the GED Science exam?

The Science exam has 34 questions. The exam time is 1 hour and 30 minutes. The exam has many formats such as multiple choice, fill-in-the-blanks, and dragging.

Content that Science tests, such as Using Numbers and Graphics in Science, Designing and Interpreting Science Experiments, Reading for Meaning in Science

The GED Science test will cover the following science skills:

  • Understanding scientific articles
  • Interpreting data and research studies
  • Evaluating experiments and research studies
  • Drawing conclusions from data
  • Evaluating evidence from scientific conclusions
  • Comparing the results of scientific research
  • Using scientific terms, phrases, and symbols
  • Understanding and using scientific theories and processes

If test takers focus on these skills, they can definitely ace the GED science exam.

What are the statistics on the GED Science test?

1. Life Science or biological sciences (40 percent, approximately 16 items out of 40 items)

human body and health

Life and energy (such as food, calories, and photosynthesis)

The flow of energy in an ecosystem (e.g. food chain, predators and prey).

Components of life (such as cells, organs, and body systems)

Inheritance of genetic molecules (such as DNA and genes)


We can see that Biological science subjects contain a lot of information. But don’t worry. We don’t need to know all the details. What we will have to do is Read information, understand it, and answer questions.

2. Physical Science or Physics (40 percent, 16 items out of 40 items)

Heat, temperature, and heat circulation

chemical reaction and biological processes that create or use heat

Types of energy and transformation of energy

Energy sources such as sunlight or fossil fuels

waves and light

speed rate Acceleration movement and collision

force and gravity

Basic operation of machines and machinery

structure of matter Including atoms and molecules

Properties of matter, such as its state (liquid, gas) and density.

Chemistry and chemical equations

Various solutions, such as dissolving salt in water

In most cases, Candidates need to know a broad range of ideas. Regarding physics, such as energy storage and chemical equations where both sides of a chemical equation have the same number of atoms. Candidates will use their main knowledge of physics and science to answer various questions.

3. Earth and Space Science or Earth and Space (20 percent, 16 out of 40) Questions about Earth and Space include information about the following topics:

Interactions between living things and nonliving things on Earth, such as the carbon cycle. Water cycle or fossil fuels

Natural hazards such as storms or earthquakes – Natural resources such as water, fuel, land, and food

Atmosphere and oceans

Earth systems such as erosion

Earth’s structure, such as the Earth’s core, surface, and crust.

The universe, galaxies, stars, and solar system

The sun, planets, comets, asteroids, moon, and the earth and the movement of the solar system.

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The ages of the earth, including fossils, landforms, and dating of rocks.

If the candidate understands how to read scientific articles and the broad information on how science works, It should be able to answer these questions.

What is the GED Social Studies exam?

The Social Studies exam has 30 questions. The test time is 1 hour and 10 minutes. The exam format includes selecting answers, filling in the blanks, and dragging answers.

Social exam content: Reading to understand meaning in Social Studies, analysis of historical events and arguments in Social Studies. using numbers and graphs in social studies

GED Social Studies Exam Statistics

50 percent on politics and government (Civic and government)

20 percent on United States History (US History)

15 percent economics (Economics)

15 percent Geography and the world

The important points of the social studies exam are: The test itself will cover three broad skill topics.

  • Reading for objectives in social studies
  • Analysis of historical events and controversies in social studies.
  • Using Numbers and Graphs in Social Studies

Each Social Studies exam topic can be divided into subtopics as follows:

Reading for objectives in social studies

  • Identify and find important ideas and details. in reading about social studies
  • Understand social studies vocabulary
  • Identify how the writer uses language in that social story.
  • Able to judge facts from opinions
  • Able to evaluate claims and evidence in social studies.

Analysis of historical events and controversies in social studies.

  • Summarize using basic information from evidence in reading various social stories.
  • Analyze relationships between people, events, places, and processes. that are described in the social studies content
  • Comment on the author’s point of view, such as what events led to that point of view. And is each view supported by evidence?
  • Bias and propaganda can be proven from reading social studies.

Using Numbers and Graphs in Social Studies

  • Use information presented in an easily understandable format, such as maps, charts, graphs, and tables.
  • Understand the primary and dependent variables.
  • Distinguish between correlation and cause-and-effect relationship.
  • Use statistics in social studies, such as finding the mean, median, and mode.

What is the GED Math test?

The Math GED test is divided into 2 parts, lasting 115 minutes. The first part has 5 questions and the second part has 41 questions. The Math GED questions have the following levels of question diversity:

Multiple choice questions: This type of question is common among many assessment question types. Multiple choice tests ask students to choose one correct answer from 4-5 options.

Multiple Choice Questions: This type of question is slightly different from a multiple choice exam. Instead of just one answer, multiple-choice tests ask students to choose the most correct answer from several options. There may be up to 2 or more answers.

Fill-in-the-blank questions: Fill-in-the-blank questions ask students to type their answers in the text box after the question. or a text box that is part of a sentence For math The answer is usually a number. But sometimes it can also be the addition of a short word or phrase.

Drag-and-drop question type: This type of question has an answer where you can drag the answer. When students click and hold on each selected answer, You can drag and drop it to the location where you want to answer. to get the correct answer Sometimes you may have to drag and answer to 2 or more locations.

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Paired Questions: This type of question asks students to check the boxes for information in each column. match the information on the other side. For example, a column might have the answer “True” or “False.” Students must read the information in the other row to determine if the information in that row is correct or incorrect.

Table entry questions: This type of question usually uses a calculated table with two columns. In each cell, there is a text box where students type the number of numbers that will correct the table’s value.

Topics for the GED Math test

Mathematics is a widespread subject that combines the science of various fields of mathematics. But what science of numbers will we encounter in the exam? Therefore, we have collected GED questions and answers for you.

Basic Math

Numbers and their four ways of thinking – addition, subtraction, multiplication and division – are the basics of mathematics. This is what we call basic mathematics There are also many different types of numbers, such as whole numbers, decimals, percentages, and fractions. Basic mathematics also includes: Exposure numbers and finding square roots as well.


Shapes are an important part of mathematics. The GED test asks questions about different types of shapes. and the numbers associated with those shapes So we have to learn about circles, triangles, squares, cubes, prisms, pyramids, and cones. Questions will be asked of us about the area. Circumference of a two-dimensional shape and the volume and surface of three-dimensional shapes.

Basic Algebra

Algebra is an extension of basic mathematics frameworks such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and exponents. The only thing that’s algebraic is different. Algebra uses letters, called variables, to replace certain numbers. When this happens We get algebraic expressions and equations.

GED questions ask you to solve algebraic equations and simplify algebraic expressions. which makes algebraic expressions and solves algebraic equations and does inequalities Will use algebraic formulas to study.

Graphs and function

Functions are related to entering and displaying numerical data. In order to prove that the test taker has knowledge and understanding of functions. We need to know about orthogonal coordinate planes (ordered pairs), basic graphs, and function formats. and classification of functions. The GED test asks questions about a variety of topics. These are the functions

Specifying coordinates in planes, graphs, and solving inequalities in planes. and can be used to identify positions in the plane, interpret graphs, and evaluate functions.

Is the GED test difficult?

The GED test is not difficult for the easiest subject, GED Science, and subjects that you Many people complain that the hardest part is the GED RLA. What about the GRE test? and is the SAT test?

How to apply for the GED.com exam Login

1. Go to the GED Login page https://app.ged.com/signup

2. Apply using the e-mail of the person who will take the exam and set a password.

3. Fill in personal information and click to accept the conditions

4. Fill in your child’s phone number.

5. Select the country to take the exam. Here select Thailand.

6. Then select I plan to study on my own (Self-study), which means choose to prepare for the exam by yourself, then press continue.

7. Finish before creating an ID for Login.

At what age can you take the GED test?

Those taking the exam must be 16 years of age or older.

What is the Cost of the GED exam?

Examination fee per subject ($36 per subject)

Ready exam fee: 6.99 USD / subject

The cost of a Diploma and Transcript is 15 USD / document. The shipping method will be express delivery (FEDEX) which will incur additional costs.

Can I take the GED test online?

The GED exam will be entirely online. If you take the GED Ready exam, you can take the exam online from home. But for the GED equivalency test to request a degree, you must take the test online. Only at the exam center