Home International Tests What Is The Most Reliable English Language Tests

What Is The Most Reliable English Language Tests

In today’s world, after mother tongue, English is the most important language that everyone should learn. But why is learning English essential? Below are three important reasons for learning English.

 English is a broad and international language; One in five people can speak English fluently or at least understand it. Therefore, English is a beneficial language for traveling and communicating.

 English is recognized as the primary language of trade and business, and English communication with international colleagues or clients is essential. Having skills in speaking and understanding English will increase your chances of finding the right job, whether in a multilingual company or abroad.

It may be challenging to learn and pronounce English words, but English grammar is more straightforward than other European languages.

Why English Language Tests?

When learning English as a foreign language, it is sometimes necessary to measure your ability level by taking a standardized test. For example, to work in an international company, go to an English-speaking country, study abroad, or apply for cooperation with an academic institution, you may need a valid certificate showing your English level. You will also need an English language certificate to continue your doctoral studies in Iran. Fortunately, a wide range of English language tests are available for such cases. Many of these tests are recognized worldwide, while others test specific aspects of your English knowledge and skills.

Some Of The Most Authentic English Language Tests

The primary purpose of all language tests is to check a person’s ability in speaking, listening, writing, and reading. Still, these tests differ in cost, difficulty level, scoring method, conducting method, and application. With this in mind, you should first determine your purpose for the forest and then take one. For example, if you intend to immigrate as a companion and do not want to study or find work in the destination country for now, more general tests will start your work. Otherwise, it would help if you went for specialized language tests.

Below, we introduce some of the most important international English language tests and briefly describe their features.

7 Most Reliable English Language Tests

1. IELTS Test​​​

IELTS test stands for International English Language Testing System. This test can be considered the world’s most reliable English language test. Every year, about two and a half million people in 140 countries participate in this test. IELTS is a British test; in this respect, it is compared to the American TOEFL test. Cambridge University in England organizes IELTS, the British Cultural Council, and the IELTS Center Australia. Having an IELTS certificate to immigrate to European countries for work and study can make your career and education easier.

We have two IELTS tests: General and Academic training, each with a specific purpose and application. The score of this test is between 0 and 9, and the scoring criteria are based on four primary language skills: listening, reading, speaking, and writing. The IELTS test result will be valid for two years, and the test cost is about 215 dollars.

The speaking and listening sections are the same in both types of IELTS (general and academic), but the reading and writing sections are different in these two tests.

The listening part of the IELTS exam has 40 questions in 4 parts, and the time is about 30 minutes. The first two parts are conversations between two or more people and include social topics. The second two parts are a conversation with a maximum of four people and a conference,which, including academic issues.

The Speaking section of the IELTS test consists of three parts in the form of face-to-face speech. The time of this conversation is between 11 and 14 minutes. In the first part, you must answer general and personal questions about your place of residence, job, family status, and interests for 4-5 minutes. In the second part, you have to talk for 2 minutes about the topic given to you, and in the third part, you will speak to the interviewer for 4-5 minutes. Your conversation topic is the topic you discussed in the second part.

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The questions in the Reading section differ from those in the General and Academic exams. In the General exam, this section has 40 questions. The first part is questions related to daily social affairs. The second part is related to educational pamphlets, contracts, and job issues, and the third part contains a long text with a general topic. The time for the Reading section is 60 minutes.

In the Academic test, the Reading section is 60 minutes, and the number of questions is 40, but the texts are scientific, and at least one of the three texts is argumentative. If the text contains specialized and technical words, a short dictionary will also come with it.

In the Writing section, the questions in the General section differ from those in the Academic section. In the General section, you should write about two topics. Your first subject can be chosen from among these: complaint letter, information request letter, job application letter, personal letter, and official administrative letter. It is better to spend 20 minutes of your time on this question. In the second issue, you must express your opinion for or against an issue. It is better to devote 40 minutes of your time to this section.

In the Academic test, you have to write essays for two subjects. In the first topic, you must explain about the table or graph that was given to you. It is better to spend 20 minutes of your time on this question. In the second topic, you have to express your opinion for or against an issue, and it is better to devote 40 minutes of your time to the second topic.

The IELTS test score is between 0 and 9, and the minimum score you need to get admission is 6.5 and 7.

2. TOEFL Test​​​

The TOEFL test is valid in universities and educational institutions in America, Australia, Canada, and England. TOEFL is a synonym of the Test of English as a Foreign Language and is designed for people whose native language is not English. This exam is held in three ways: “Paper-based,” “Computer-based” and “Internet-based.” Internet TOEFL test (TOEFL iBT) is the only test held in Iran’s test centers. According to the ETS Institute, the leading designer and organizer of the test, only those areas that do not have the possibility of conducting the test online are allowed to take the test in paper form, and 97% of the centers around the world perform the TOEFL test online.

The TOEFL test tests your reading, listening, speaking, and writing skills in four sections. In this test, certain elements are used to evaluate each skill differently.

There are several ways to take the TOEFL test. The online version of the TOEFL test, which is given more than 50 times a year, is more common and costs between $160 and $250, depending on your location. This test can be completed in 4.5 hours with a 10-minute break.

The paper test is the same as the online test, except for the absence of speaking parts. In this test, you listen to a native speaker (sometimes with an accent) and say based on what you hear.

For each of the four sections (reading, listening, speaking, and writing), 0 to 30 marks are considered, and the total test score is from 0 to 120. Your official scores will be available approximately 6 days after taking the test. The TOEFL test result is valid for two years, and you can ask the test administrator to send the results independently to the schools and universities you have applied for

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3. GRE Test

The GRE, short for Graduate Records Examination, is a standardized test required by many graduate-level universities in the United States and Canada and a few universities in other countries. It measures verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, analytical writing, and writing skills. Critical thinking is acquired over a long period of learning. This test is usually required to enter higher education levels. This test is a filter for entering postgraduate studies. In many American and Canadian universities, one of the main criteria for assessing and selecting students is the same GRE test. Most universities in the US and Canada use the score of this test as one of the criteria for applying for admission to postgraduate courses (master’s degree, doctorate, and postdoc). This exam is critical in technical engineering and basic sciences.

The GRE test itself is divided into two types: Subject and General.

The GRE General test is held every week in different institutions and different cities in Iran in a regular and computerized manner. The written GRE General test consists of Quantitative (quantitative reasoning and mathematics), Verbal (qualitative reasoning and linguistic understanding), and Analytical Writing. (analytical writing section).

This test’s quantitative reasoning and mathematics section consists of algebra, geometry, data analysis, and problem-solving questions. The questions in this section are relatively simple and nothing more than the concepts found in high school textbooks. The score for this section is from 130 to 170, and usually, most of the people who participate in this test get an acceptable score for this section. The questions in this section consist of two sets of 25 questions, and 35 minutes are allotted to answer the questions in this section.

The qualitative reasoning and linguistic understanding section measures a person’s linguistic analysis abilities. This section includes a set of blank questions titled Text Completion and Sentence Equivalence and Reading Comprehension. The questions in this section include two series of 5-choice questions that do not have negative marks and must be answered in 30 minutes. The score of this part is between 130 and 170.

In the analytical writing section, a person is asked to write and argue about specific topics. This part consists of two parts. In the first part, the Issue part, 45 minutes are given, and in the second part, the Argument part, 30 minutes are given to the candidate to write the desired essay. The issue essay is more complex than the writing section of TOEFL and IELTS, and the applicant must choose one of the given topics and start writing. In this section, a person should use his maximum ability in grammar, vocabulary, etc., to get an acceptable score. The scores for this section are up to 6, and a score of 4 would be considered perfect. In the Argument section, the candidate must carefully read the text that seems logical and reasonable and then correct the text by finding various problems in it.

The GRE Subject test consists of specialized courses in specific fields such as biology, chemistry, English literature, mathematics, physics, and psychology. If you are studying in these fields, you should check the website of the desired faculty to learn about the necessity of participating in this exam. This test is held three times a year by the Iran Measurement Organization. This exam will be held only in written form, with no internet questions. This test has 100 5-choice questions that, unlike the GRE General test, also have a negative score. This test is usually recommended for applicants of prestigious universities with heavy competition to enter them. Also, people who have not obtained acceptable grades in their past courses and intend to prove their abilities usually need the GRE Subject score.

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Another difference between the GRE Subject and GRE general exams is when these exams are held. The general exam is held in all months of the year, but the subject exam is held only in the three months of September, October, and April. The cost of participating in these tests is similar, and according to the latest reviews, the price of the GRE test is around $150.

4. GMAT Test

The GMAT, short for The Graduate Management Admission, is a computer-based comparative test that business schools use as a benchmark for admission to various graduate management programs, including MBAs, Masters in Accounting, Masters in Finance programs, and others. Use. The GMAT test evaluates some English analytical, writing, quantitative, language, and reading skills. The official site of the GMAT test provides free software to prepare for the test to the applicants who have registered on the test site. This software is used for the actual test, so it can be considered a simulator for the actual test.

5. PTE Test

The PTE test stands for Pearson Language Tests, a computer-based test that, like other tests, evaluates your English language abilities at the four levels of speaking, writing, reading, and listening and is recognized by many universities, colleges, and governments worldwide. England, the USA, Australia, and New Zealand, as well as the most prestigious universities in the world, such as Stanford, Harvard, and Imperial College, have accepted PTE. This test is also held like Duolingo on all days of the year. The scores of this test are measured through artificial intelligence, and the results are presented within 48 hours. The PTE exam is held in fifty different countries worldwide, but unfortunately, it does not include Iran. But this exam is held in Turkey and costs 1000 lines.

PTE scoring and grading are fair and consistent, especially in speaking and writing. So, if you’re a language learner who needs help scoring on other English tests in writing or speaking, or if you’re uncomfortable with face-to-face interviews, this test could appeal to you because it’s wholly computer-based.

This test is held in three types: PTE Academic, General, and young learner tests, and lasts 2.5 hours. Each PTE Academic, General, and Young Learner test ranges between 10 and 90; the total score is the average of the listening, reading, speaking, and writing sections.

6. CELPIP Exam

Selpip test, short for Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program, means the Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program. This test is for applicants who apply for permanent residence in Canada. There are two versions of the CELPIP test: the CELPIP-General test and the CELPIP-General LS test. The CELPIP-General test has four parts: listening, reading, writing, and speaking, and the CELPIP-General LS test has two parts: listening and speaking.

The CELPIP-General test assesses listening, reading, writing, and speaking English skills and is officially used by Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada for permanent residence. The total exam time is about 3 hours, done in one session.

The CELPIP GENERAL LS test assesses the participant’s listening and speaking English skills and is officially accepted for citizenship by Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada. The total time of this test is about 1 hour and 10 minutes, and it is done in one session

7. SAT Test​​​

SAT, which stands for Scholastic Aptitude Test, is a test established in the United States of America as a university entrance exam for students who intend to enter university.

Apart from the United States of America, the SAT in other countries such as Turkey, Canada, Australia, England, Norway, etc., is also valid for admission by international students at the undergraduate level and is organized by The College Board. The validity period of the result of the mentioned exam is two years, like other university entrance exams.