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Study in Austria

Study in Austria: In terms of education, Austria is often known for its high-quality education system and comprehensive access to higher education. Austrian universities, such as the University of Vienna and the University of Graz, are world-famous and are leaders in various research fields. Primary and secondary education in Austria is free and compulsory, and the government invests heavily in ensuring equal access to educational opportunities, especially in low-income areas. According to the OECD report on education in Austria, the number of international students at higher education levels reached about 74,600, which accounted for about 18% of all higher education students in Austria.

Statistics Austria reported that there are 393,234 university students in Austria. As for the total population, Austria had 9,104,772 inhabitants at the beginning of 2023, which increased to 9,154,514 by October 1, 2023. There are more than 50 higher education institutions in Austria and 42 universities. These universities include 22 public universities that vary in size and age and focus on education, research, and tertiary missions; many are world-ranked.

Benefits of studying in Austria

Here is a list of the most important benefits of studying in Austria :

  • High quality of education in universities
  • Relatively low tuition fees
  • Research opportunities
  • Multicultural and international environment
  • Access to student exchange programs
  • The possibility of working after graduation
  • High quality of life in Austria
  • Favorable geographical location in Europe
  • Excellent student support and services
  • Extensive opportunities to learn new languages
  • Access to international professional networks
  • Study conditions in Austria

To study in Austria, international students must fulfil several conditions and steps. These conditions include:

1. Educational qualification: Having the educational qualification required to enter the desired study program. For example, a high school diploma is required to enter a bachelor’s degree, and a bachelor’s degree is required for a master’s degree.

2. Language skills: Proficiency in the teaching language of the program (usually German or English). This is generally proven by providing the results of language tests such as TOEFL, IELTS (for English), or ÖSD (for German).

3. University admission: Receive admission from a university in Austria. This includes submitting academic transcripts, a resume, and a statement of purpose, including a portfolio or interview.

4. Visa and residence permit: Non-European students must obtain a student visa and a student residence permit.

5. Financing: Proof of financial ability to pay for studying and living in Austria. This may include tuition fees, living expenses and health insurance.

6. Health insurance: Having health insurance that is valid in Austria.

7. Tuition fees: Some universities charge tuition fees for non-EU students.

This is a general list; details may vary depending on the university and study program. Also, it may be necessary to provide other documents or administrative procedures.

Age requirements for studying in Austria

Austria has no official age limit for entry into the various education levels. This means that admission criteria are based mainly on academic qualifications and entry requirements specified by each university or study program.

However, to enter undergraduate programs, students must usually have a high school diploma or equivalent, which is generally obtained after 12 years of study. This means that the usual minimum age to enter undergraduate programs is around 18 years.

For higher degrees such as a master’s or a doctorate, students must have a degree related to the previous degree (bachelor’s for master’s and master’s for doctorate). This naturally increases the age of students in these courses

Requirements for studying in Austria with a Diploma

Studying in Austria with a diploma (high school diploma) includes several stages and special conditions, which we mention here:

1. Examining diploma equivalence: The first step is to check whether your diploma is valid as a university entrance qualification in Austria. This may require assessment by the relevant authorities in Austria.

2. Conditions for entering the university: If your diploma is recognized as valid, you must meet the university entrance requirements. This includes GPA, specific academic subjects, and sometimes an entrance exam.

3. Language skills: You must demonstrate sufficient proficiency in the university’s language of instruction (usually German). This is generally proven by passing language tests such as ÖSD.

4. University admission: After confirming the academic and language qualifications, you must apply for admission to the university of your choice.

5. Visa and residence permit: Non-European students must apply for a student visa and residence permit.

6. Financing: You must prove the financial ability to cover the costs of studying and living in Austria.

7. Health insurance: It is mandatory to have valid health insurance in Austria.

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Note that this is only an overview; the details may vary depending on the university and the study program.

Austrian universities – Study in Austria

The universities in Trish are famous for their high quality of education and affordable costs. Below is a table showing the best universities in Austria in 2024, their rankings and some of the majors they offer.

UniversityQS rank 2024Rank THE 2024majors
University of Vienna130119178 different study programs
Technical University of Vienna184251-300Engineering, natural sciences, architecture
University of Innsbruck362301-350Mountain research, sustainability, environmental science
Technical University of Graz284501-600Engineering and technology
University of Graz651-700501-600Humanities, social sciences, natural sciences
Johannes Kepler University Linz446401-500Economics, social sciences, business management
University of SalzburgArt, humanities, natural sciences, social sciences
Medical University of Vienna201-250Medicine and health
Kleinfort University580501-600General disciplines

How is the atmosphere of studying in Austria?

Studying in Austria offers students a cultural, academic and diverse experience. Classes are usually a combination of lectures and discussion sessions. Communication with professors is often informal, and students can easily ask their questions. Regarding clothing, there are no special rules, and students usually attend classes in casual and comfortable clothes. Recreational activities for students vary depending on their interests, such as sports, culture and arts, and participation in student associations. The social life of students is usually lively, emphasising cultural and social activities in addition to studies.

The Best fields of study in Austria

Austria is outstanding in some fields of study. This country’s fields, mainly mechanical and electronic engineering, are intense. Also, fields of humanities such as history and philosophy are very popular.

Austrian universities are also famous in the fields of medicine and biological sciences. In addition, some universities are influential in art and music. For example, the following can be mentioned:

Business Administration

Suggested universities: Vienna University of Economics, University of Graz. This field is popular because of Austria’s growing economy and the valuable career opportunities it offers.


Recommended universities: Medical University of Innsbruck, Medical University of Vienna, Medical University of Graz. Austrian universities are famous in this field due to their experienced faculties, comprehensive curriculum and advanced facilities.

Austria is an excellent choice for students looking to study engineering, arts, humanities, and medicine.

The cost of studying in Austria

The table below summarises the costs of studying in Austria’s public universities, Universities of Applied Science, and private universities.

Type of universityEU and Swiss studentsNon-EU students
State universitiesFreeAbout 726 euros per semester
Universities of applied sciencesAbout 360 euros per semester750 to 7500 euros per semester
Private universities1,500 to 17,500 euros per semester1,500 to 17,500 euros per semester

In some circumstances, it is possible to study for free in Austria by receiving scholarships.

Undergraduate studies in Austria

The following documents are required for undergraduate studies in Austria:

  • Required language certificate; Usually German level B2 or C1 for programs in the German language. Some programs are in English and require an English language certificate.
  • Age condition: Usually at least 18 years old, with a high school diploma.

An example of the table of universities and approximate fees for non-EU students is as follows:

UniversityTuition fee (euro/semester)field of study
University of Vienna726diverse
TU Wien University726Engineering technology
Graz University of Technology726Engineering technology
University of Innsbruck726diverse
Johannes Kepler University Linz726Engineering technology
University of Alpen-Adria Klagenfurt726diverse

Master’s degree studies

To study for a master’s degree in Austria, the following documents are required:

  • Required language certificate; For programs in German, usually German level B2 or C1. An English language certificate is required for English programs.
  • Age condition: No specific age limit exists, but a relevant bachelor’s degree is required.

An example of the table of universities and approximate fees for non-EU students is as follows:

UniversityTuition fee (euro/semester)field of study
University of Vienna726Engineering technology
TU Wien University726Engineering technology
Graz University of Technology726Engineering technology
University of Innsbruck726Engineering technology
Johannes Kepler University Linz726Engineering technology
University of Alpen-Adria Klagenfurt726Engineering technology

PhD studies in Austria

To study for a doctorate in Austria, the following documents are required:

  • Required language certificate; For programs in German, usually German level B2 or C1. Some doctoral programs are offered in English.
  • Age condition: No specific age limit exists, but a relevant master’s degree is required.

An example of the table of universities and approximate fees for non-EU students is as follows:

UniversityTuition fee (euro/semester)field of study
University of Vienna726Engineering technology
TU Wien University726Engineering technology
Graz University of Technology726Engineering technology
University of Innsbruck726Engineering technology
Johannes Kepler University Linz726Engineering technology
University of Alpen-Adria Klagenfurt726Engineering technology

Studying in Austrian colleges

To study in Austrian colleges, the following documents are required:

  • Required language certificate; Often German level B2 or C1 for German language programs. Some colleges may offer programs in English.
  • Age condition: Usually at least 18 years old, with a high school diploma.

Studying in Austrian schools

Education in Austrian schools includes from elementary to high school levels. Education in Austria is offered in German, and the country’s education system strongly emphasizes students’ active participation and practical skills development. Schools in Austria are divided into three main categories: elementary schools (Volksschule), secondary schools (Hauptschule and Gymnasium), and vocational high schools. Tuition fees in Austrian public schools are usually free, but private schools may have varying tuition fees.

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Studying Medicine in Austria

To study medicine in Austria, the following documents are required:

Required language certificate; German language level C1 is usually required.

Age condition: No specific restrictions, but the need to pass high school and have appropriate scientific qualifications.

An example of tuition fees and a list of medical universities for non-EU students is as follows:

UniversityTuition fee (euro/semester)
Medical University of Vienna726
Medical University of Graz726
Medical University of Innsbruck726

Free medical education in Austria

Studying medicine in Austria is free for EU and Swiss students, but non-EU students must pay tuition fees. Austrian medical universities are of a high standard, and their curricula are usually offered in German. Students must have a German language certificate, and in some cases, there is a need to take an entrance exam.

Study Dentistry in Austria

Studying dentistry in Austria requires the following documents:

  • Required language certificate; German level C1 is usually required.
  • Age condition: No specific restrictions, but passing high school and having appropriate academic qualifications is necessary.

The sample tuition fee and the list of dental universities for non-EU students are as follows:

UniversityTuition fee (euro/semester)
Medical University of Vienna726
Medical University of Graz726
Medical University of Innsbruck726

Study music in Austria

Music studies in Austria are offered to international students at several top universities. Here is information about some of the best music schools in Austria:

1. University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna

Location: Vienna

Degrees offered: Bachelor’s, Master’s, Ph.D

2. University of Vienna

Location: Vienna

Degrees offered: Bachelor’s, Master’s

3. Friedrich Gulda School of Music Wien

Location: Vienna

Programs offered: jazz and pop music, classical music, musical theatre

4. Music program IES Abroad Vienna

  • Location: Vienna
  • Features: music performance workshops, part-time internship (optional)
  • Teaching language: English, German
  • Estimated cost: $23,450 for Fall 2024

This information will help you make an informed decision about where to study music in Austria.

Free education in Austria

In Austria, higher education is generally free for students from the EU and Switzerland. In addition, there are various scholarships and grants from both the government and the universities of Austria. These scholarships may cover tuition fees, living expenses, and housing discounts. Students should carefully review the eligibility criteria and deadlines for these scholarships and ensure that they meet the requirements of their chosen program.

Scholarships in Austria, often known as “Förderungsstipendien” or “scholarships”, are financial support programs the Austrian government and universities offer to help students cover the costs of higher education. These scholarships can include full or partial tuition waivers, living allowances, and sometimes dormitory benefits. Eligibility criteria for these scholarships vary and may be based on academic performance, financial need, or other factors. Students interested in applying for Austrian scholarships should check with their chosen universities and relevant government agencies for specific opportunities and requirements.

Austrian provincial scholarship

Austria does not have a unique ” provincial scholarship ” program like some other countries. Instead, scholarships and financial aid for students in Austria are usually offered at the national or university level. Students can check scholarships offered by Austrian universities, government agencies and international organizations to support their studies in Austria. These scholarships may cover tuition fees, living expenses, and other educational expenses.

Eligibility criteria and application processes can vary, so students must research and apply for relevant scholarships based on their specific circumstances and field of study.

Application procedures for universities in Austria

To apply to universities in Austria, you must follow the following steps:

  • Communication with the university admission office: To receive the application form, contact the admissions office of the desired university.
  • Preparation of necessary documents: Required documents usually include a bachelor’s degree certificate, transcripts, proof of English language (such as IELTS or TOEFL scores), a complete resume, letters of recommendation, and a motivation letter. These documents and the application form must be sent in scanned or certified copies.
  • Submit your application before the deadline: Note that the application deadlines for universities in Austria can be different. Usually, public universities have relatively late deadlines. For EU or EEA students, deadlines are usually between June and early September for winter admissions; non-EU students should submit their applications early, usually by the end of July.
  • Complete the admission process: After applying, you will be emailed whether you have been accepted. After admission, the university issues a student card showing you have been accepted as a member.
  • Payment of education and student union fees: After admission, tuition and student union fees must be paid. The fees vary depending on the university and your situation.
  • Create a student account: After receiving the university’s tuition and student union fees, you can activate your student account.
  • Application for student ID card: To get a student ID card, you must upload a suitable photo (passport photo format and high quality).
  • Special procedures for programs with limited capacity or the need for a specific knowledge/skill level:
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Some study programs have limited capacity or require specific knowledge or skills. For these programs, you have to go through a particular admission procedure.

Cost of living in Austria

The cost of living in Austria varies depending on the city and the type of life. Generally, a student’s average cost of living in Austria is approximately 700 to 1000 euros per month. These costs include housing rent, food costs, public transportation, books and stationery, health insurance and other daily expenses. This amount may be higher in big cities like Vienna.

Below is an approximation of everyday costs in Austria in tabular form. Note that these figures are estimates and can vary based on city, lifestyle and economic changes.

CostAmount (euro)
Monthly rent (one bedroom apartment in the city center)700-1,100
Monthly rents (one bedroom apartment outside the center)500-800
Monthly public transport ticket40-50
Food cost (monthly average)200-300
Internet cost (monthly)25-30
Cost of electricity, heating, water and garbage (monthly)100-150
health insurance (monthly)50-100
Entertainment expensesVariable

This table is only a general guide, and costs can vary depending on individual needs and lifestyle. Also, students may benefit from special discounts on some of these costs, such as public transportation and recreational facilities.

Minimum grade point average to study in Austria

There is no specific minimum GPA requirement to study in Austria, as admission criteria vary by university and program.

However, competitive programs may generally require a solid academic record with a GPA above 3.0 on a 4.0 scale or equivalent. In addition, meeting language proficiency requirements, providing a compelling statement of purpose and motivation for study, and excelling in an entrance exam or interview can increase your chances of admission. It is essential to check the specific admissions requirements for your chosen program and university, as they may have different criteria.

Conditions for Continuing Education in Austria

To continue your studies in Austria, you generally have to meet the following conditions:

Admission: You must be admitted to an accredited institution or educational program in Austria.

Visa / Residence Permit: If you are a non-EU student, you need a student visa or residence permit to stay in Austria.

Enrollment: After admission, you must complete the enrollment process at your university and pay the tuition fees.

Language Proficiency: Depending on the program, you may need to demonstrate proficiency in German or English.

Financial proof: You must show enough funds to cover your living expenses.

Health Insurance: Health insurance coverage is mandatory for students in Austria.

Compliance with regulations: During your studies, you must comply with immigration and university regulations in Austria.

Please note that specific requirements may vary depending on the university and program, so it is essential.

Check the admission and registration guidelines of the institution you intend to attend.

Studying in Austria in English

Many universities in Austria offer programs taught in English, especially at the master’s and doctoral levels. International students can find various English courses in fields such as engineering, business, natural sciences, and social sciences. However, you must check the specific program and university you are interested in, as the availability of English-taught programs may vary. Additionally, depending on program requirements, you may need to demonstrate English proficiency through standardized tests such as IELTS or TOEFL.

Study in Austria without a language certificate

Studying in Austria is possible without a language certificate, but most courses in German or English require students to have a valid language certificate, such as IELTS or TOEFL. If you still need a language degree, you may take prerequisite language courses in Austria to reach the desired language level. Also, some universities can conduct a language interview to assess your language skills. Therefore, contacting the chosen university and checking the language requirements is recommended.

Studying in Austria in the Austrian language

Studying in German (Austrian) is possible in Austria. Austrian universities offer study courses in German; to study these courses, you usually need a German language certificate of a certain level. To enrol in German language courses, you can take a prerequisite language course in Austria to improve your language skills. Also, you may need to request confirmation of the language degree from the desired university.

The most accessible universities in Austria for admission

Choosing the most accessible university in Austria for admission can vary depending on your program and qualifications. However, some universities are known for their relatively simple admissions processes. These may include Fachhochschulen (universities of applied sciences) and some private institutions. Researching specific universities and programs is essential, as admission requirements can vary. Additionally, having a solid academic background and meeting language proficiency requirements can increase your chances of admission.

Austrian study visa and how to obtain it

To get an Austrian study visa, follow the steps below:

Admission: Guaranteed admission to an accredited Austrian university or college.

Financial proof: sufficient funds to cover living expenses (around €11,000 annually).

Health Insurance: Get health insurance coverage.

Visa Application: Complete the visa application form.

Interview time: Determine the time of the Austrian embassy or consulate in your country.

Required documents: Prepare necessary documents, including admission documents, financial ability, health insurance, passport and visa application form.

Visa Interview: Attend the visa interview.

Visa fee: Pay the visa fee (approximately 150 euros).

Wait for approval: Once approved, you will receive a residence permit upon arrival in Austria.

Please note that the process and requirements may differ depending on your nationality, so check with the Austrian embassy or consulate in your country for specific details and fees.

Student work in Austria

International students in Austria can work to a limited extent, about 20 hours per week. Employment conditions depend on the study visa type and your country of origin. Holders of study visas with at least a bachelor’s degree can work under specific criteria. The income from part-time jobs may be around 5 to 10 euros per hour.

Study migration to Austria

Studying in Austria as an international student includes different stages. First, secure admission to an Austrian university or college is required. Then, the student visa applicant must provide proof of financial ability and health insurance. After arrival, get a residence permit. A student visa costs about 150 euros, and the cost of living is, on average, 700 to 1000 euros per month. While studying, some part-time work is allowed, usually earning 5 to 10 euros per hour. Checking the specific requirements based on your nationality and study program is essential. Austria offers a high-quality education system and a welcoming environment for international students.

Work after studying in Austria

After completing your studies in Austria, you can apply for a red-white-red card, which allows you to stay and work in the country. The type of card you can get depends on your qualifications and job offers. Austria has a strong job market, especially in technology, engineering and healthcare sectors. The average gross salary in Austria is competitive and ranges from €35,000 to €45,000 per year, but can vary based on your field and experience. It would help if you explored job opportunities before you graduate to secure the correct position.

Stay after studying in Austria.

After completing your studies in Austria, you can apply for a red-white-red card or an extension of your residence permit for job seekers. To be eligible, you usually need a job offer related to your field of study and meet specific legal requirements. The red-white-red card allows you to stay and work in Austria for a certain period. You can transfer to a work permit if you find a suitable job. Austria offers opportunities for skilled professionals in various industries, and graduates can obtain a work permit relatively straightforwardly.

Frequently Asked Questions

1- Is studying in Austria free?

Studying in Austria is free for Austrian and EU students. There is a relatively low tuition fee for international students.

2- Is there an age limit for studying in Austria?

Usually, universities do not have a specific age limit for accepting students.

3- Does international students need a study visa to study in Austria?

Yes, International students need a study visa to study in Austria.

4- Can you work in Austria after studying?

Yes, after studying in Austria, you can get a special residence permit and work in this country.

5- Are there language requirements for studying in Austria?

Many universities in Austria require a German language certificate at the C1 level unless the study program is in English.